This is represented in-game by Isaac hallucinating at certain points. The main issue in Dead Space 3 was that Isaac was affected by his encounters with the Necromorphs and the things he had been through, so not surprisingly his mental health has taken a battering. However, for a number of reasons, it wasn’t a triumph. Now, thinking about it, this does seem like an obvious inclusion for a game of this type. The big departure for Dead Space 3, and the thing that I want to concentrate on, was the inclusion of a cooperative game mode. If I want a third person action game, that’s what Gears of War is for. This, to me, wasn’t a proper survival horror game, instead feeling more of an attempt to make it an action game.

What Dead Space 3 did was take away the tense surroundings and plonk you in almost arena-like areas, with giant monsters to fight. The thing that made the previous games tense and scary was the fact that you were creeping around dark corridors, jumping at every little sound soiling yourself every time a Necromorph appeared. Want to win a 12 month Xbox Live Gold subscription? Enter now!