We are committed to ensuring that Roblox is a safe and fun place for everyone. Received: Hollow Gem, which must be used for hollow infusion and requires Profaned Coal.What can I do to keep my child’s Roblox account more secure? The Sage's Coal is needed in order to start infusing weapons. Attacks also prevent reanimated foes from reviving after they've been defeated.

Received: Blessed Gem, which can be infused to create Blessed weapons. Received: Twinkling Titanite, which is used to reinforce weapons steeped in strength to +4. It also reinforces some other unique weapons. Fifteen scales are required to get a weapon to +4. Received: Titanite Scale, which reinforces all Soul-Transposed Weapons to +4. Received: Sunlight Shield, which can be infused and reinforced with Titanite. Received: A Lightning Gem that infuses weapon with Lightning Damage and adds Faith scaling to the weapon. Received: I’m Sorry Carving, which when used, leaves an audible sound saying “ I’m Sorry.'' It has unlimited uses. Received: Help Me Carving, which when used, leaves an audible sound saying ' 'Help me.'' It has unlimited uses. It can be obtained in a chest after Smelter Demon boss fight. Received: Porcine Shield, which can be infused, reinforced with Titanite, and was also featured in Dark Souls II. Received: Hello Carving, which hen used, leaves an audible sound saying ' 'Hello.'' It has unlimited uses. Received: Thank You Carving, which when used, leaves an audible sound saying '' Thank you.'' It has unlimited uses. Received: Very Good Carving, which when used, leaves an audible sound saying ' 'Very good.'' It has unlimited uses. Received: Lucatiel's Mask, part of the Mirrah set. Received: Chest Armor, part of the Armor of the Sun set. Received: Iron Leggings, part of the Armor of the Sun set. Received: Iron Bracelets, part of the Armor of the Sun set. Received: An Iron Helm, part of the Armor of the Sun set. Received: Titanite Slab to reinforce a weapon to its ultimate form - either +10 for regular weapons or +5 for special weapons. It also reinforces some other unique weapons, with 15 scales required in total to get a weapon to +4. Received: Titanite Scale, 3x to reinforces all Soul-Transposed Weapons to +4. RELATED: Darkeater Midir: How To Beat The Toughest Dark Souls 3 Boss And What You Get